Gen 45:7
And Elohim sent me before you to make for you a remnant in the earth, and to preserve to you a great escape.
This opening passage comes from the story of Joseph and his brothers but can be applied to the end times. The keywords from this passage that this study focuses on are “remnant” and “escape”.
While Joseph’s brothers had meant him harm, it was all part of YHWH’s plan. They did not know this at the time but selling Joseph to Egypt was actually YHWH sending him there for a specific purpose. YHWH sent Joseph to Egypt to make a remnant on the earth. Moreover, He sent Joseph to preserve this remnant for a great escape.
The Precursor
Jeremiah 31:1 flows from the previous verse (30:24). In ancient times—when Jeremiah spoke his prophecy—chapter numbers were non-existent. The declaration the prophet made in Jeremiah 30:24 is itself a repetition of the statement he made earlier in Jeremiah 23:20.
The apostle Paul warned the elders of Ephesus of the coming of false prophets. See Acts 20:29. This echoed what Yeshua had previously warned His followers. See Matthew 7:15-21. In his second letter to the Thessalonians, Paul repeats this warning using the term “falling away” (2:3).
This term is only used one other time by the apostles. It had to do with people misunderstanding Paul as teaching that we should discontinue following YHWH’s true prophets. See Acts 21:21.
The apostle Peter, who also warned of this (2 Peter 3:16-17), likened the false teachers of their day to the false prophets of former times. See 2 Peter 2:1.
Jeremiah, one of the true prophets, spent much time addressing the false prophets. In chapter 23, speaking of the false prophets, he said something telling:
“The displeasure of YHWH will not turn back until He has done and established the purposes of His heart.
In the latter days, you will understand it perfectly.”
He repeated this statement in a later prophecy (Jeremiah 30:24). The latter prophecy is the backdrop to Jeremiah 31 and the beautiful promises contained therein.
A Time of Testing
Putting ourselves in Joseph's shoes, we would not have understood YHWH’s plan until it was accomplished. This is because we cannot see into the future. The “purposes of His heart” (Jeremiah 23:20 & 30:24) are beyond our knowing until it has already happened. Only in the latter days can we be expected to understand it.
His displeasure has not turned back for the same reason he has sent “a working of delusion” (2 Thessalonians 2:11). Because they did not receive the love of the truth (as stated in the previous verse).
YHWH, in His infinite wisdom and foresight, allowed Joseph to be sold to Egypt to accomplish His master plan. Neither Joseph nor his brothers understood it at the time. YHWH later revealed his plan to Joseph, who, in turn, revealed it to his brothers.
Likewise, YHWH allowed false prophets and teachers to come and lead many astray to test His remnant. We did not know it at the time; but from the time of the first Babylonian captivity to the second (also known as the Roman captivity), YHWH’s “burning displeasure” has not yet ended because He has had to gather more to His fold.
Those who hate Him and do not bear fruit, He removes for incineration. See John 15:2&6, and Matthew 3:10 & 7:19, for example.
He also cleanses His people with fire. See Isaiah 4:4, Obadiah 1:18, Zechariah 13:9, 1 Corinthians 3:13, 1 Peter 1:7, 4:12, & 17, for example. He promises that those who walk through this fire will not be burnt. See Isaiah 43:2.
An Escape on Mount Zion
The prophet Obadiah delivered YHWH’s message to His people:
While the Day of YHWH is judgment for all unfaithful nations (v. 15, 16) —further identified with Esau (that is, Edom: v18)— the descendants of Jacob will escape the fire of YHWH’s judgment (v. 17, 18).
The prophet Joel also delivered this message and called the beneficiaries “the remnant whom YHWH calls”. This remnant (Joel 2:32), those who escape the Day of YHWH (Oba. 1:15-17 cf. Joel 2:31-32), are the same remnant Joseph was said to prepare for a great escape. The prophecy in Isaiah 4:2 can also be paired with Joel 2:32, Obadiah 1:17, and Genesis 45:7 as it too speaks of this great escape.
Isaiah 4:2 can also be tied to Jeremiah 23 in that both prophecies employ the Messianic title the Branch. Another way Isaiah’s prophecy relates to Obadiah’s prophecy is through Malachi’s prophecy. The first two verses of Malachi chapter four explain that while the Day of YHWH is bad news for the wicked, it is good news for those who fear Him.
Malachi 4:1-2 is merely a continuation of Malachi 3:16-18. On that Day, there will be a clear distinction between Edom (the house of Esau) and the house of Jacob, also called the house of Joseph.
Oba. 1:18
And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble and they shall kindle in them, and devour them, and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for YHWH has spoken it.
At this time, the Nazarenes (translated “watchmen” in Jer. 31:6), who are of the nations of Ephraim, will cry out: “Arise, let us ascend upon Mount Zion.”
On that Day, we can also sing to YHWH: “Save Your people, the remnant of Israel!” (Jeremiah 31:7)